Sabbath Morning FAQs

Why is the in-person service moving outdoors?
Our church is home to a variety of perspectives concerning the wearing of masks. To honor the consciences of all, we are going outdoors, where masking is neither required nor forbidden by law.

Why is the in-person (outdoor) service so early?
This is the only way to preserve Children’s Sabbath School where it is at 9:30a and the streaming service at 11:00a. The early hour will also help minimize the current heat outdoors.

Do I need to bring my own chair?
It is better if you bring your own chair, but if you cannot bring one, the deacons will have several on hand for your convenience.

What other items should I bring to in-person (outdoor) church?
Yourself, of course! Also, if desired for protection from the sun (which shouldn’t be too strong at 8 am), bring your own EZup, canopy, or overhead umbrella. A portable container of water or a warm drink is recommended to help you stay hydrated.

What should I wear to in-person (outdoor) church?
Something comfortable and appropriate to the weather. Don’t worry about whether that happens to include what you classically think of as “church clothes” or not.

What time should I arrive for in-person (outdoor) church?
7:45a is recommended to give you time to set up your overhead covering and chair before the worship service begins at 8:00a.

Do I have to wear a mask to the in-person (outdoor) service?
Nope! You can sing, eat, or drink to your heart’s content. Just respect other people’s “bubbles”/comfort levels with how close you get to them.

Is my child’s Sabbath School class cancelled?
Absolutely not! The only thing that will change about children’s Sabbath school is that check-in will be at the kitchen door, rather than the front double doors.

How about adult Sabbath school?
Two options are available. Harry Walker’s class will be outdoors at our school from 9:30a to 10:30a (the hybrid Facebook live broadcast will continue as usual).
The Contemporary class will continue on Zoom at [Meeting ID: 790 362 9187 - Password: 8hj9kY]

Do I need to register for outdoor church?

Will a worship experience be offered at 11:00a?
The streaming service will be broadcast at and on the church’s YouTube channel at 11:00a. There will be no admittance to the building at that time except to those participating in the creation of the streaming service.

Will there be handicap access to the in-person (outdoor) service?
Yes! There will be handicapped parking available on the top parking row for those with mobility issues.

What about bathrooms?
The bathrooms will be available to those attending the in-person (outdoor) service; please wear a mask while inside the building.

Can I eat my breakfast at the outdoor service?
To your heart’s content! There is no restriction. We will not be providing breakfast, but you are more than welcome to bring your own.

What happens if it rains?
The in-person outdoor service will be cancelled, but the indoor children’s Sabbath School classes will proceed. The 11:00 am streaming service will remain available to all at and the church’s YouTube channel. All adult classes will be online. Rain cancellations will be announced in the weekly Church Without Walls email based on the weather forecasting data available.

Is this permanent?
Not at all! We maintain hope that the COVID restrictions will change at some point, allowing us to worship together inside the sanctuary without masks being required by law. We will revisit the situation as it develops.