RISK MANAGEMENT OFFICER Churches, Schools, Pre-schools, Camp, Industries On July 22, 2001, the Southern California Conference Executive Committee established the position of Risk Management Officer for all entities (churches, schools, preschools, camps, and industries) of the Conference. VOTED to approve the proposal by the Risk Management Committee to establish a 73-01 new Risk Management Officer position for local churches and schools. The Risk Management Officer is to be elected each year per Church Manual procedures and is to be a regular local church board member. For schools, preschools and industries, the Risk Management Officer must be named and reported to the Risk Management Department by October 1 of each year. The Risk Management Officer function may be assigned to a current employee. The person who is elected or named the Risk Management Officer should have the following qualities: 1) Be organized so that the appropriate information is available and accessible; 2) Possess knowledge of the local entity’s organizational structure; 3) Understand the purpose, function and activities of the local entity; 4) Have good people skills; 5) Demonstrate sound and mature judgment and analytical skills; 6) Be able to keep and maintain confidential information; 7) Be able to understand and communicate technical information such as safety standards, employment issues, insurance matters, etc.; and 8) Have the physical capability to conduct local site safety inspections. Under the guidance of the Southern California Conference Risk Management (SCC RM) Department, the duties of the Risk Management Officer will include being: 1) The primary contact between the SCC RM and the local entity regarding risk management issues; 2) The primary source of insurance information for the local entity, i.e., the person at the local entity level who will have copies of the policies, claim forms, reporting information, applications, brochures, booklets, etc.; 3) The initial contact for the local entity’s staff to whom they will report claims and safety issues; 4) The primary contact between the local entity and Adventist Risk Management and SCC RM while a claim is pending; Ed. 8/09 Southern Calif. Conference Risk Management Officer Job Description Page 1 of 2 Ed. 8/09 Southern Calif. Conference Risk Management Officer Job Description Page 2 of 2 5) The safety officer to implement safety procedures and policies, to reviewsponsored activities, to ensure appropriate coverages, conduct site safetyinspections, etc.; 6) The “Personnel Manager” at the local entity to monitor (monitoring only, nodecision making powers) the hiring, supervision and termination of locally hiredemployees and volunteers, and to notify and consult with the Southern CaliforniaConference Human Resources Department; and 7) Assigned other duties consistent with the above as approved by the SouthernCalifornia Conference Risk Management Committee. In support of the Risk Management Officer, the SCC RM will provide the following: 1) Consultation as needed; 2) Both theoretical and hands-on training; 3) Risk Management Manual (insurance info, claim forms, etc.) including the Loss Control Manual (safety policies, guidelines, procedures, etc.); 4) Safety brochures and leaflets; 5) Conference risk management/loss control newsletters; and 6) Annual SCC Risk Management Workshops covering loss control, claimsprocedures, insurance and human resource issues. |