Swiss Chard
1. Rinse and chop up the Swiss chard leaves after you remove the stems and spine down the center.
2. In a large non stick frying pan crush some garlic (I like two for a large pan or to taste)
3. Add some water and start to simmer till you smell it cooking. Do not dry out.
4. Add the wet Swiss chard and stir till it starts to cook down.
5. Add a lid and steam on low heat stirring often till it cooks and softens. Add more water if it dries out.
6. At the end sprinkle lightly with some granulated (powder) onion and a touch of garlic salt to taste and mix thoroughly.
7. You might like to squeeze a little fresh lemon juice on top. This makes the iron in the greens more readily assimilated.
8. Spinach can be cooked this way too.