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On line forms

Below are several frequently used documents that can be downloaded for your use. You can either email the completed document to the church office at or give the completed form to the church secretary - on Sabbath or via the church's secure mailbox (between the glass doors to the lobby). Thank you!
File Date Title/Download Link Description
09/26/2019 Child_Dedication_form_-_2019.pdf -
02/17/2024 Facillity_Use_Request_-_7-17-23.pdf -
06/06/2019 Membership_transfer_form.pdf -
09/22/2010 Pathfinder_Activity_Permission.doc Required permission slip for Pathfinder activities.
02/24/2010 Permission_Slip_and_Medical_Authorization_Form.doc To be completed for any children and/or youth activity or event.
12/31/2022 reimbursement_-_revised_7-25-22.pdf -